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The registration deadline for Spring is March 1 and deadline for Fall is August 1.

Schedule will eventually be on the Home Page. Teams will have first meeting towards end of March in spring or end of August in the fall to start practicing. First games will be early April for Spring and early September for Fall.

For the Rec Program there will be practices once a week for the team usually at a school or a park with some U6/U8 teams practicing at Winslow on Wednesday evenings. 

To Register Please Go To the Link on the Home Page.

Do Not Try and Use Old gotSoccer Account Info, But Use the gotSport account if you created one previously or Create New Account.

If you are interested in sponsoring a team, please see this form for information.


The WFFSC Recreational Program is where kids are placed on teams with one or more coaches. The teams practice one a week, typically one weekday evening, and play a game against other WFFSC teams on typically Saturday morning. For the older teams (U12 and older) a decision has not yet been made whether games will be Saturdays at Winslow or during the week at Bend St.


The Rec Program is where kids begin to learn to play soccer and hopefully develop a love of the sport. Competitive levels are minimal during practices and games so that the kids can have lots of fun as they begin to play the sport. We encourage all players to play in Rec Program as long as age appropriate. However for those players also looking for a bit more competitiveness and training there is the Competitive Program for consideration. 

Fees are $80 for U6 and $100 for U8 and up. Family discount of $20 for kids in the same family after the first one.

Below are the default age groups based on year of birth. Parents may request during registration for player to play up an age level. Cannot request to play down an age level. Soccer year is from September to August.

2024-2025 Soccer Season

2019 and later -> U6

2017-2018 -> U8 

2015-2016 -> U10

2013-2014 -> U12

2009-2012 .> Senior/U16

Special requests may be made during registration such as for playing with friends or playing up an age level. We try to put siblings on same team as long as age permissible but it does not hurt to add this to make sure we see it. Coaches as volunteers get to select the night the team practices and as the coaches are not known too far in advance adding info about preferred practice nights are difficult to accommodate. We always do our best to make logistics work the best we can.  



WFFSC is an ALL VOLUNTEER organization and as such depends on parents to coach their kid's teams. Coaching in Rec does not require much soccer knowledge. About all it requires is a desire to see the kids play and an enjoyment of interacting with the kids. Prior to each season WFFSC has a coaches meeting to go over all the logistics such as when and where to practice, game management, access the team account, communication to parents, weather cancellations, etc. Then there are a couple of pre-season on-field clinics where the coaches, especially the new ones, review how to run a practice and go over a few games for the kids to play. Throughout the season we provide any assistance you need. You get equipment such as pinnies and cones. Also coaches get a nice shirt to wear.

There is one practice a week and the coach as a volunteer decides which night is best for them. For U6/U8 teams we offer Winslow on Wed at 5:30-6:30 for practices and many coaches use that time. For other nights and other age groups the coach decides the night and location. Locations are usually school or a park where there is some grass on which to play.


Coaches must register as a coach and submit the BCI in order to coach.


 Coaching is not difficult. There is some management to keep parents informed about practices, games, photo schedules, etc. Then run a practice and a game once a week. It is very rewarding and enjoyable.


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